The immune system is a complex but vital part of your body function. Its key role is to identify the body's enemies and destroy them. Every moment of every day we are exposed to constant attack from a wide array of "micro-terrorists" in the form of bacteria, microbes, viruses,toxins, and parasites, all waiting to invade our bodies and destroy our health.
        The main"gates" into the body are the digestive tract, which lets in food; and  the lungs, which lets in air. In the digestive tract, we have the gut-associated immune system which will allow completely digested food- the simpel sugars, amino acids and fatty acids- to pass through the gut wall and into the body. meanwhile, the nasal passages help prevent unwanted pathogens from entering the lung.
        Inside the body, the immune system has a powerful army of over one trillion special cells to identify and destroy invaders, on duty 24-7. As long as your immune system is functioning well,you will de protected from the millions of attackers which can cause diseases from the simpel colds and ful to measles, mumps, AIDS andso on. Under normal conditions, with a healthy immune system, an immune response cannot be triggered against the cells of one's own body .In certain cases, however, immune cells make a mistake and attack the very cells that they are meant to protect. This can lead to a variety of autoimmune diseaseslike rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, and so on.
         Hence it is important to strengthen our immune system by following a well-balanced protein, low-fat diet, with essential fats, found in seeds and nuts, and of course, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, preferably organic.


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