
Showing posts from July, 2017
          Easy Ways to Eat Healthy Portions Many factors influence how much we eat. Try these tips to tackle common portion pitfalls and satisfy your grumbling stomach. How to Eat What You Love Diabetes shouldn't equal deprivation. Moderation is key, and following a few tips can avoid bad habits that leave you with feelings of guilt. From pizza to potatoes, we give you options to enjoy the foods you crave. Favor Whole, Fresh Foods Processing foods tends to concentrate the calories and carbohydrate. Consider this: For 15 grams of carb, you could eat either 4 fresh apricots or just 1/2 cup apricots canned in juice. And for 15 grams of carb, you could eat either 1-1/4 cups strawberries or a mere 1-1/2 tablespoons all-fruit strawberry preserves. Train Your Eyes A typical 12-ounce baked potato at restaurants has 70 grams of carb, whereas 3 ounces (about 1/2 cup) of boiled red-skin potatoes has just 17 grams of carb. Weigh or measure spuds, rice, and ot...
                     Weight Loss Tips   Trying to lose weight with diabetes? Diabetic Living can help. Find what you need to know about how to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight with diabetes. Our weight loss tips will get you moving more and feeling better in no time. Take one step at a time to reach your weight loss goals. You are worth it! Diabetes Diet Plans It’s only natural that certain weight loss books and programs appeal to some people more than others. Different plans might work better for different people, and finding what fit best is an individual choice. Whether you love to cook from scratch, the microwave is your best friend, you’re looking for a complete overhaul, or want to take small steps, there’s a diet plan that can help you succeed. We help you explore five diverse approaches to losing weight while maintaining a diabetes-appropriate diet. DIET PLAN: Paleo Diet Overview: “Eating a Paleo ...
      Less-Ouch Blood Sugar Tests The main tools used to check blood sugar levels include lancets and a lancing device. These are designed to make blood glucose testing as painless as possible. We show you how to use these devices to take as much of the "ouch" out of pricking your skin for a blood sugar check as possible. Using Your Lancing Device The lancing device, which holds a lancet, helps you get an adequate blood sample with a tiny skin puncture and minimal irritation. Typically, a lancet is placed in the device and set for use by pulling back on a spring-loaded control or by pushing a plunger. The lancet is hidden, and you push a button to get a tiny drop of blood. To use a lancing device: ? 1. Load a new lancet, and set the device by pulling back on the spring-loaded control or by pushing the plunger. 2. Place the lancet end of the loaded device on the finger. ? 3. Push the button that fires the lancet. Many meters come with a compatible lancing...
What Is a Non-Infectious Disease? When a co-worker shows up to work sick and a few days later everyone else is sick, you surely know who to blame. But not every disease can be caught from someone else. Diseases that are not contagious are called  non-infectious  or  non-communicable  diseases because they can't be spread from one person to another. So there's no vector for them to move from one host to another, no virus, no bacteria, no pathogen. Instead, these diseases are caused by other factors, such as genetics, environment, and lifestyle behaviors. Some can be prevented, while others are completely out of your control. Let's take a closer look at what these diseases are, how you get them, and what you can do about them once you have them. Examples of Non-Infectious Diseases Many non-communicable diseases are linked to our genes, such as  autoimmune diseases . These are diseases that cause the body to attack itself instead of simply fighting off for...
           What are infectious diseases?                                   Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites and can spread between individuals. What is an infectious disease? Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms such as viruses?, bacteria?, fungi or parasites?. Microorganisms that cause disease are collectively called pathogens. Pathogens cause disease either by disrupting the bodies normal processes and/or stimulating the immune system to produce a defensive response, resulting in high fever, inflammation? and other symptoms. Infectious diseases can be spread from one person to another, for example through contact with bodily fluids, by aerosols (through coughing and sneezing), or via a vector, for example a mosquito. Infectious diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Man...
WHAT IS A HEALTHY, BALANCED DIET FOR DIABETES? Whether you are living with diabetes or not, eating well is important. The foods you choose to eat in your daily diet make a difference not only to managing diabetes, but also to how well you feel and how much energy you have every day. How much you need to eat and drink is based on your age, gender, how active you are and the goals you are looking to achieve. Portion sizes have grown in recent years, as the plates and bowls we use have got bigger. Use smaller crockery to cut back on your portion sizes, while making the food on your plate look bigger. No single food contains all the essential nutrients you need in the right proportion. That’s why you need to consume foods from each of the main food groups to eat well. Fruit and vegetables Naturally low in fat and calories and packed full of vitamins, minerals and fibre, fruit and vegetables add flavour and variety to every meal. They may also help protect against stroke, hear...
10 Wonder Ayurveda Medicines for Diabetes Remedy (Madhumeha) The incidence of diabetes is increasing day by day. Being a silent killer, it is attacking the young generation secretly that increases the burden of exchequer on the people as well as the government. Two things are common these days- Side effects and Insulin resistance among the people who are taking modern medicines for diabetes treatment. It leads to searching of alternative system of medicine where Ayurveda has greater application and importance. Ayurveda treats diabetes through drugs, diet, panchakarma and exercise. The management technique for diabetes in Ayurveda is as follows: Exercise (Vyaayam), dietary regulation (Pathya), Panchakarma (bio-purification procedures) and Medicines. The condition is known by different names such as Asrava, Prameha, Madhumeha and Maharogya.Best home remedy for diabetes Simple Ayurvedic cure for diabetes Bitter Gourd Juice:  Juice of Bitter melon/Karela (30 ml) may be taken on ...
      control blood sugar without medicine Control Blood Sugar without MedicationHigh amounts of sugar in the blood can eat away at your vital organs, causing them to degenerate over time and lead to serious illnesses (not to mention rotten teeth!). Thankfully, controlling blood sugar levels naturally, without the use of medications, is well within your reach. You can lower your blood sugar levels without drugs by using supplements and making a few simple, yet effective lifestyle changes. 1. Eat less sugar/refined carbohydrates The best way to keep blood sugar levels down without medication is to eat less sugar. The less sugar you consume, the smaller the metabolic response will be—keeping your pancreas and insulin levels healthy. You can cut back on sugars by limiting your intake of processed foods, sauces, fruit juices, candy, and soda, and paying attention to nutrition labels. In turn, boosting your intake of fruits and veggies can have major benefits. Instea...